blah blah blah

Aboriginal Myth

August 28th, 2009


I bought a book called ‘Aboriginal Myths, Legends & Fables’ a couple of years ago, I’ve had a good read of most of them and one myth in particular stood out to me. In short, its about the creation of birds, mammals, insects, reptiles and fish and how they all developed their own characteristics. A rainbow shatters into a thousand pieces, each of which became a bird, as varied in colour as the rainbow, and of an infinite number of shapes and sizes. This is an image I mocked up a while back and a little test movie how I’ve visualised the multi coloured birds, lots of pixelated colours..

Youth Music

August 24th, 2009

We recently completed this little promotional viral for Silent Studios to promote the Youth Music Box, an impressive new installation at the Royal Festival Hall.

It takes the form of a high tech walk-in studio masquerading as a big white box. The idea is that people of all ages can turn up and create live music with no previous musical experience or skills via the cleverly constructed knobs, dials and keyboards.

After all their hard work realising such a massive project, Silent Studios came to us to create this promotional viral to advertise the piece to clients and public alike.

We got our friend illustrator Chris Haughton on board to provide an abstract visual interpretation to the script, which we then animated. Silent Studios were so pleased with the collaboration they also asked Chris to provide a new logo for the whole project.

After its stint in London, the box is off touring the country. Check it out if you can!

Watch the viral on our vimeo page here


August 23rd, 2009

… exploring the snow-laiden russian/north american hunting theme.

Will be posting more soon to document the progress, hopefully some clips and tests too.

Hunter Sketch 1

August 21st, 2009

An inky hunter…

Rediff – StuffSong

August 10th, 2009

‘Just your stuff’

A singing rubber duck, a newspaper dog, dancing keys, trumpeting elephant bookends, a musical cricket ball, flying envelopes and a man in a silky red dressing gown, just your average day then. That was our quest from BBH for, an Indian search engine rebranding its website. It was our first step into directing a predominantly live action commercial. The brief was to utilise as many animation styles and techniques as possible bringing a guys ‘stuff’ to life as it sings and dances to Jackie Wilsons ‘Your Love, is Lifting me Higher’. The live action was shot on a location in North London lovingly decorated to look like a flat in Mumbai, the stop motion animation was shot in a separate location in South London in just two days, while post production was provided spiffingly by The Mill. A really great team helped to pull this all together in a very short time frame with results we were really happy with.

[quicktime width=”400″ height=”241″][/quicktime]